
This project benefits from financial support by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (aide à la maquette du DICRéAM (09)), by the Région Languedoc Roussillon (aide à la création multimédia)(09), and from a residency at the CNES La Chartreuse, Villeneuve lez Avignion.
The project is supported by Domaine d'O, domaine départemental d'art et de culture (Hérault, le manège.mons/CECN, HTTP gallery Londres, Kawenga territoires numériques (Montpellier), ConnaiSciences (Montpellier) and Nu2s (Barcelone).
Technological partner : Théâtre Paris-Villette / x-réseau.


Cooperation is not always, doesn't always start at a quarter turn / La coopération n’est pas toujours, ne démarre pas toujours au quart de tour ...

Performance / Telematic Experiment on remote communication and collaboration with public participation.

15 06 2011 6PM
Campus Montpellier SupAgro
Site de la Gaillarde

Rencontres MousTIC 2011
Networks, the ecological systems for collectif intelligence? / Les réseaux, écosystèmes de l’intelligence collective ?

Qr code 4.37 min Extract of the performance of 34 min. French spoken.

Four performers, each from its own webcam station execute a performance protocol. The images and sounds of their webcams are brought together in one video projection. From their isolated positions, scattered in space, they share a space of expression and responsibility, a playground, a laboratory. They create on the fly, watched by the public a contemporary narrative on the possibility of being and acting together.

Concept, text, director  : Annie Abrahams
Interface development : Estelle Senay, x-réseau / Théâtre Paris-Villette

Video of the streaming and the introduction by Annie Abrahams on :

With Sandra Bébié Valérian (artist), Bérénice Belpaire (artist), Mathias Beyler (actor, stage director), Muriel Piqué (danser choreographer) and 4 persons from the public.

Huis Clos / No Exit - La coopération n’est pas toujours, ne démarre pas toujours au quart de tour is part of the Huis Clos / No Exit artistic research project by Annie Abrahams

Shifts, interruptions, cuts, flux variations, temporary vacuums and coding errors in and between the images, are the aesthetic materials of the performance that will translate our vulnerability in our attempts to communicate in a cyberized environment.