On co - laboration - operation - construction - creation and human constraints.

Are collaboration and cooperation online different than offline? What are collaboration's advantages, and what difficulties might result? What does it mean to co-create?
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire de co-créer? Est-ce que la collaboration en utilisant l'internet est différente de celle sans? Quelles en sont les qualités, les avantages, quelles les difficultés?

You must use / Vous devez utiliser "co", "together", "join", "mutual", "shar", "samen", "partag", "participat" or / ou "ensemble" dans la phrase / in the phrase.
You cannot use more than 500 chars at a time / Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser plus qu'environs 450 char à la fois.

The text written on this page has been read 12-02-2010 in a performance during "If not you, not me": show by Annie Abrahams in HTTP gallery London. A selection ended up on the walls of the show as a frise :
| can’t won’t | faster better! | smelly hands | MACHINE MEDIA | collaborate | I act, so I exist | people babble a lot! | It will become a “mess” easier | co-creation can’t be without open minds and tender hearts | joining positive forces | We are becoming a labour force used by bots. | Change the world | What words cannot say | who can we trust? | Static ——> Dynamic | Private membering | Babbel | Better & Faster | you have 2 be able to have CONTROL | controlled control | subversion = collective HAPPINESS | FRAC TURE | INFILTRATING | to create together | I don’t know I don’t know |

Une sélection a été utilisé dans la performance On Collaboration II le 02-03-2010 à Kawenga Montpellier .

Certaines phrases ont été utilisé in the performance Huis Clos / No Exit - On Collaboration à la Chartreuse, Villeneuve les Avignon, 11-03-2010. English translation of the text used in the video .txt

The text has also been used in "Collaboration" a performances with Antye Greie (aka AGF) in the A Meeting is a Meeting is a Meeting series, 13 08 2010, Wigan, UK.

Une sélection de la collection CollaborationS a été lu pendant le montage de l'exposition personnelle Training for a Better World de Annie Abrahams au CRAC LR à Sète. Une vingtaine de volontaires ont participé à l'installation de la pièce le 17 octobre 2011. Vidéo et entretien Aloïs Aurelle.

See all the contributions / Regarder toutes les contributions

On Collaboration is a project by Annie Abrahams
