This project benefits from financial support by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (aide à la maquette du DICRéAM (09)), by the Région Languedoc Roussillon (aide à la création multimédia), and from a residency at the CNES La Chartreuse, Villeneuve lez Avignion. |
Second workshop and presentation
Telematic Performance / Experiment investigating communication and relational dynamics in a dispersed group. Session 1. Concept, design, writing, production : Annie Abrahams Communication is never clean, smooth and transparant. Presentation of work in progress: March 11 2010 6.30 PM With Philippe Arcos, Jerome Garnier, Valérie Paüs, Christophe Poudenx, Stephanie Coquillon and Thomas Rousselot. Fiche technique(FR)for the performance .pdf
Huis Clos / No Exit - On Collaboration Session 2 October 11-15 2010, CECN Le manège.mons/Technocité, Mons (BE) Photos, protocole, text here. Session 3 12 - 15 January 2011 CNRR/TPM and INGEMEDIA/University -Sud Toulon-Var. Photos, protocole, text here. |
Huis Clos / No Exit - On Collaboration is part of the Huis Clos / No Exit artistic research project by Annie Abrahams Shifts, interruptions, cuts, flux variations, temporary vacuums and coding errors in and between the images, are the aesthetic materials of the performance that will translate our vulnerability in our attempts to communicate in a cyberized environment. |