
This project benefits from financial support by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication (aide à la maquette du DICRéAM (09)), by the Région Languedoc Roussillon (aide à la création multimédia)(09), and from a residency at the CNES La Chartreuse, Villeneuve lez Avignion.
The project is supported by Domaine d'O, domaine départemental d'art et de culture (Hérault, le manège.mons/CECN, HTTP gallery Londres, Kawenga territoires numériques (Montpellier), ConnaiSciences (Montpellier) and Nu2s (Barcelone).
Technological partner : Théâtre Paris-Villette / x-réseau.


Entraînement pour un Monde Meilleur / Training for a Better World

INSIDE BLACK sitting in front of a big screen, the actors are compiled in real time.

23, 24, 25 June 2011 21h15

Reservation :
01 40 03 72 23

Salle Bleue
, théâtre Paris-Villette
Festival des Scènes Virtuelles
Parc de la Villette
Metro 5,  Porte de Pantin
75019 Paris

Concept, realisation, director : Annie Abrahams
Interface development: Estelle Senay, x-réseau / Théâtre Paris-Villette

With Maryline Cuney, Martine Klein, Nathalie Lamande, Patricia Liney, Aurore Mélody Rocher, Juste Rustiké, Virginie Will and Stephanie Zygmut.

Preparation time: two days.
Before this project I didn't know Maryline, Martine, Nathalie, Patricia, Aurore, Juste, Virginie and Stephanie

More photos :

Performance protocol of June 25 .pdf French
text Toucher .pdf French
text Mutant .pdf French

texte CollaborationS .pdf French

Touch. Extract (video capture) of the performance.

"... You will have a computer, a headset with microphone, an idependant webcam and sometimes also some sheets of paper with text to manage.
Moreover you need to pay attention all the time to the others (something you are used to do as actors), but this time not only to their presence in space and to their text, but also to the image they film, the image they present of themselves or of their environment.
In fact there will be so many calls on all your sensations, that, even in simple tasks, you can not anymore rely on your habits and you will have to reinvent, re-articulate, renegotiate continuously your presence among others.

At the beginning of each performance you will all be isolated in a differnt space: alone with your camera and equipment, but together in the shared space on the screen that will be projected in front of the public.
At some point
I will ask you to start moving with your computers that are connected to the main computer via cables (as umbilical cords). You will come to the public, be in front of them and continue the performance with your body constrained by the machine
" AA mail to the participants of Training.

What is a cyborg? Extract (video capture) of the performance.

"Les artistes que nous avons choisi d’inviter pour ce premier Open du Paris-Villette ne signent pas leur geste par une seule et unique forme de représentation.
Ils se manifestent ici, sur un plateau de théâtre, ou bien ailleurs, à distance, sur ce territoire des réseaux de communication. Des artistes attentifs ou indifférents au cadre technologique, c’est selon…
Ils inventent, interrogent les cartes de ces mondes connectés, celle du temps et celle de l’espace, pour les publics. Ils nous livrent leurs propositions assemblées en ce premier Open du Paris-Villette, festival des scènes virtuelles. Les scènes de ces artistes existent bien, elles sont réelles et virtuelles à la fois."  Patrick Gufflet Directeur du théâtre Paris - Villette.

Huis Clos / No Exit - Training for a Better World is part of the Huis Clos / No Exit artistic research project by Annie Abrahams

Shifts, interruptions, cuts, flux variations, temporary vacuums and coding errors in and between the images, are the aesthetic materials of the performance that will translate our vulnerability in our attempts to communicate in a cyberized environment.