Training for a better world - Annie Abrahams(Exhibition booklet 28 pages with color photos, text in French and English)


Michael Szpakowski reviews Annie Abrahams’ exhibition with an image essay combining photo documentation, self portraiture and simple lively drawings to capture the elements and atmospheres of networked interactions. V. enjoyableRuth Catlow.

The show doesn’t consist of moving image work only. There are some prints, drawings and a minimalist installation consisting of a single photograph of a pair of married fire-fighters and a sound track of them reading (in an extraordinarily graceful and musical edit [and this is where in this piece any surface similarities to, say, Nauman find their limit. Grace. Grace and elegance throughout.]) a collaborative text on fear. Michael Szpakowski in Training for A Better World for dvblog.

“Dans ses performances, Annie Abrahams prolonge et éclaire les pratiques sociales liées à internet. Dans cet univers que nous connaissons tous, nous sommes à la fois seuls face à une machine et en contact avec les autres. Comment nos relations se tissent-elles? Que dévoile-t-on de nous sur la toile?” Annie Abrahams Interview by Aleksandra Smilek for  Parisart.com.

"Cathérine Gfeller et Annie Abrahams au CRAC à Sète", Arts Plastiques,r BTN, Art Vues Décembre 2011 janvier 2012.

Let's Motif November 2011.pdf L'Hérault du jour 26 Oct 2011 .pdf

La performance Artistes et Webcam, Photo Alice Perrine, Midi Libre 3 12 2011.