TRANSreveLATION is an audiovisual concert premiering compositions that translate form from one discipline into another. Curated by Jim Briggs III and Melissa Grey, the concert addresses the underlying structure of various forms and disciplines, such as, painting, photography, earthworks, philosophy, constellations, water, dreams, religion, electrophysiology, and sonography, among others. The concert will be held at the Community Church of New York, Unitarian Universalist, 40 East 35 th Street. Works include audiovisual compositions, live performances, real-time processing, and a performance by VIA Dance Collaborative featuring the choreography of Adrienne Westwood and dancers Janice Lancaster, Dawn Poirer and Katie Swords. Participating artists include : Annea Lockwood and Paul Ryan, Brian Evans, Eric Hopper, Jaime Rojas, Jan de Weille, Jesse Serrins, Jim Briggs III, Lin Culbertson, Martin McGinn, Melissa Grey, Rob Voisey, Steve Kornicki. “The attempt to translate form across disciplines refers to ekphrasis, the ancient practice of painting images with words, and, in the context of our program, highlights the suppleness of contemporary media, which is capable of connecting different forms of expressions,” says Ms. Grey, a composer and media artist. Grey and sound artist/engineer Jim Briggs III curated and produced the Sonic Channels audio concert last spring; this represents their second collaboration. |