'I am not, served by' Splash page with visitor contributions for Rhizome.org. Using the domain name of the visitors server to lay out the text. (perl)
2001, for 'hope project', a colloborative project by Reiner Strasser, Alan Sondheim
and Annie Abrahams. (perl)
Presented at AJAC art show, Metropolitan Art Museum Tokyo, Japan 2002.
'bookmark 901' , hors series, portraits. Incident asked: "What kind of portraits, unthinkable yesterday, can we make today?" I proposed my bookmarks as an auto-portrait. I couldn't reveal more. More recent portraits "auto-portrait 1201" ,"auto-portrait 0703 " .
'Being human'
incorporated in Rhizome.org Artbase, Presented at **Net_Working**, Watershed
Média Center, Bristol, UK.
Partcipation in 'Power', 49a BIENNALE DI VENEZIA / Bunker Poetico a cura di
Marco Nereo Rotelli.
'What could you say to help someone in physical or mental distress?' Participation in the project 'comfort station' of Takuji Kogo and Candy Factory.
'the shrIne' Collaboration with Reiner Strasser and Alan Sondheim (flash4 sound on)
'Being human'
Presented at 'Trace' festival in 'Ink.ubation', curator Mark Amerika,
at 'Festival x00' Actions Reseaux Numériques (atelier
and intervention), Lorient, France, and
at Lovebytes digital origionals festival web gallery in Sheffield UK.
Incorporated in Le Web Net Museum, curators Fred Forest et Louis-José
Presentation of 'Oui/Non' computer print at Foire 'ARTéNÎM',
galerie ESCA, Nîmes.
On "Being Human" in' The Dinner Party' by Talan Memmott.